Work it Like a Model: How I Got Over Myself and Mastered Instagram
With over 2.4 billion monthly active users, Instagram has become a major platform for individuals and businesses alike to market themselves and build a following. And more than that — Instagram is THE place to become an influencer.
I wanted to be an influencer as well, but I didn’t know how. And I had many fears - of being too forward, too open on what I was sharing, and too frightened of being ridiculed. I’m a 40 year old man, after all!
So what did do? I imitated a lot of influencer models.
In this article, I’ll share my insights on mastering Instagram and the five lessons I learned along the way.
Lesson 1: Observe and Experiment
When I first started using Instagram, all I did was apply filters to my photos. However, after deciding to get serious about my Instagram game, I realized I needed to do more. I started by following influencers and even porn stars to see what they did and how they presented themselves. I found that female influencers were the best in terms of presenting their content in a visually appealing and engaging way.
From there, I began experimenting with my own content. My first ten Instagram posts after my comeback were experimental. I tried different filters, angles, and subjects to see what resonated with my audience. This experimentation helped me identify what worked and what didn’t, and ultimately helped me develop my own style.
Lesson 2: Master Taking Photos and Videos
As I experimented with my content, I also focused on improving my photography and videography skills. Here are some tips and tricks I observed to make more visually appealing content:
1. Use natural lighting whenever possible
2. Use angles to your advantage
3. Use props or backgrounds to add interest
4. Use video to add motion to make things even more interesting
By mastering these techniques, I was able to create more engaging and visually appealing content that resonated with my audience.
Lesson 3: Find Your Style
Eventually, I started taking pictures in my own style and highlighting the brands I loved or had experience with. This included watch and shoe brands, and cocktail bars. I made sure to tag these brands in my posts as well, as it helped me connect with them and potentially open up opportunities for collaborations in the future.
One of the most important things I learned was to find my own style. By being authentic and true to myself, I was able to attract a dedicated following who appreciated my content for what it was. This not only helped me develop my own brand, but also helped me stand out in a crowded Instagram landscape.
Lesson 4: Find Your Story
After finding your style, it’s important to find your story. What did I want to storytell through the totality of posts and videos? What did I want my followers to understand, if they swipe through 3–4 photos and Reels, about my journey and story?
One lesson I learned is that any interaction or event can be a story. A normal shopping day to the supermarket can be a story — not every story has to be an exciting trip abroad or an exotic location. The key part is to story tell that event, however exciting or banal it can be, in your own voice.
Lesson 5: Follow the Algorithm
One of the most crucial things I did was to follow the algorithm. Right now, Reels are considered to be the best way to increase your reach and engagement on the platform. By creating Reels, I was able to reach new audiences and create content that was both entertaining and informative.
In addition to following the algorithm, I found that consistency was key. By posting regularly and at specific times, I was able to build a following that knew when to expect new content from me. This helped me build a loyal audience that was more likely to engage with my posts.
If you want to follow my Instagram and see how I do things — see here
Originally published at on August 1, 2023.